Best Books for B.Sc. Agriculture Students

These books are highly recommended by Professors, Educators and Top rankers of ICAR PG / ICAR JRF/SRF Students. You can buy Latest Edition from here. 1. General Agriculture : For All Preparations ➡️NEMRAJ SUNDA : A Competitive book of Agriculture (LATEST EDITION👇) ➡️ Nemraj Sunda: Basic Agriculture (Latest Edition) ➡️ Fundamentals of Agriculture Vol. 1 & 2 : ARUN KATYAYAN (LATEST EDITION👇) ➡️S.R. REDDY : Principles of Agronomy (Latest Edition 👇) ➡️REDDY & REDDY : Principles of Agronomy (Latest Edition 👇) ➡️ Objective Agriculture : S. R. KANTWA (Latest Edition 👇) 2. ICAR JRF (PG) AGRONOMY : SYLLABUS - CODE 05 MAJOR SUBJECT GROUP - AGRONOMY (Sub-Subjects: 5.1:Agronomy 5.2: Tea Husbandry & Technology) UNIT-I : General: Importance of Agriculture in national economy; basic principles of crop production; cultivation of rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, potato. Major soils...